I’m keen to start looking for some fun online, but will people laugh at me when they find I’m disabled? Click to read more…
I’m keen to start looking for some fun online, but will people laugh at me when they find I’m disabled? Click to read more…
I’m 22 and find it easy to meet people – what I don’t find easy is my parents attitudes to me dating, they’re so overprotective!
When it comes to disabled dating, accessible locations are an important part of planning. Ash struggles with walking long distances – click to read our top tips…
Gokham lives in Turkey and is very affected by his Scoliosis, due to cultural issues he wonders how he can find love. Click to read his story…
How do you write a sexy story about disabled dating when you’ve no first hand experience? Click to find out what Love Lounge Top Tips can offer…
When moving to a new city, how do you find the best accessible spots to socialise? Click to read our top tips…
New relationships are an exciting time – but what if you’re worried about pain associated with your disability? Click to read more…
After losing ‘The One’, I’m feeling pretty low and I have no idea how to get back into the dating game! Click to read the Love Lounge’s top tips…
This may come as a shock to some of you, but people with disabilities like to have sex. I know, consider your collective minds blown.
I’m keen to experience dating as a disabled person, but my dad is overprotective and I struggle to go out. Click to read more…