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Love Lounge Top Tips – I’m Terrified By Online Disabled Dating!

By July 3, 2017March 22nd, 2021Sex & disability, The Love Lounge
Two illustrated phones showing a dating profile and a love heart between the two screens

Dear Love Lounge,

I really want to start online dating, but am terrified that people will laugh at me when they see a disabled person looking for a bit of fun. Any advice?



Hi Tash,

Thanks so much for writing in to us. A couple of my disabled friends have also voiced similar concerns to yours. Online dating can be a bit of a minefield for anyone, disabled or not! There’s stress around picking the best photos, selling yourself in a way that seems witty and not too serious, and then wondering if the person you’re interested in will message you back or ask you out on a date! You have to remember that everyone who is online dating is looking for someone who really tickles their fancy, and there’s a vulnerability in setting up a profile to admit that! Just because you’re disabled, it doesn’t mean you’re any less entitled to find someone, so own it and be proud of who you are!

Remember as well that everyone has their own insecurities and hang ups, some are just more visible than others. If anyone has an issue with you getting out there and looking for love, that reflects badly on them and not at all on you, so don’t hesitate, get out there and enjoy all that the online dating world has to offer! 🙂

Em X

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