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Dear Love Lounge,
I am a sex writer and really want to include disabled characters in my writing – but I feel unqualified to do this as I’m not disabled myself! Do you have any advice please?
Hi there, and thanks for writing in to us!
So often, we shy away from disability, be it with communication, dating, or even sex writing, because we don’t feel we know enough about it! My advice would be to research around the subject, chat to disabled people (if you know them) in order to make your writing informed and authentic, but ultimately, challenge your fear around the topic and write! Our knowledge and understanding of disability will never improve if we don’t face it head-on. Write a story that’s really sexy and just so happens to have a disabled person wrapped up in the plot. Ask disabled people to read it and give you feedback…. and then you’re good to go! You’ve busted the sex and disability taboo AND helped to change perceptions along the way. What more could we ask for in a steamy story?!
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