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Hi Love Lounge,

I’m a wheelchair user and looking for something sexy but sophisticated to wear on my first date next week – any suggestions?





Hi Ally!

Congrats on the date, you must be pretty excited?! As cliché as it sounds with dating, confidence and comfort is key.  If you feel good, you’ll come across well and put who you’re dating at ease.  Practicality also shouldn’t be overlooked; I’m a wheelchair user too and have put form over function far too many times at conferences, on holidays and on dates, often leaving beautiful floaty dresses trapped in my castor wheels and my feet bare because those sparkly, pointy shoes I bought have now slipped off my tootsies and onto the floor!

So, with all that in mind, I’d recommend: patterns to draw the eye to your assets, colours that make you feel bold, no loose clothing on the bottom half of your body (unless you are willing to police it all night!) and shoes or boots that definitely won’t slip off, but perhaps aren’t too difficult to get off if the evening goes well… 😉

Good luck, let us know how it goes!
Em x

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