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Hi Love Lounge!

I’m hard of hearing, but work a lot in the hearing world. I’m finding that I’m getting more and more tired in social situations and am struggling to keep up with what’s going on. It’s bringing me down a bit, and it’d be good if my boyfriend (who is hearing) could help me out a bit. Any advice? Thanks!




Hi Chloe!

And thanks so much for writing into us! Two of my colleagues are hard of hearing and profoundly Deaf respectively, so I’ve asked for their advice on this one! Both of them said that they have very similar issues (Jennie, our CEO, has just had a lovely little girl too, so she’s finding things doubly tough at times!) and have told their partners that the best Christmas present ever would be if they could learn a few simple signs in BSL, just to key them into conversations when the tiredness is kicking in. As Christmas is coming up, perhaps you could get your boyfriend an introductory BSL course as a cheeky push in the right direction?!  I’m sure you’ll find that it will improve the communication and connection between you no end, and in all areas of life. Best of luck!!

Em X

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