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I am 31, single, with Cerebral Palsy…

By Emily Yates, Lifestyle, The Love Lounge No Comments


“Hi, I am 31, single with CP. I have had only one boyfriend and am feeling alone as all my peers are marrying and having children. I don’t know what to do?”


Hi Fiona. Thanks so much for getting in touch. I’ve also got CP and know the feeling of ‘will I ever find someone that’s for me?’ very well indeed.

I think that the two main and most important answers that I can give to your question of what to do now in terms of finding a relationship is, firstly, stop comparing yourself to your friends and, secondly, focus on you and only you.

This may seem like a really tough thing to do, and it is! However, I can assure you that it can also really change your outlook on yourself and your life.  You and your friends are in different stages of your lives and having different experiences.  That is FINE! Enjoy the gossip you get when your friends talk about their marriages and babies, but please don’t let that make you feel like you’re not having as much fun as them or that you’re not worthy of the same happiness.  I can assure you that you are and that romance will happen for you, but the more that you search for it, get down about it and worry about when it will find its way to you, the harder it will be to find.  In fact, most of the time the best things happen when we aren’t looking for them 🙂

I also mention the importance of focusing on yourself because this will help you to become more aware of who you are and what you are looking for in someone else. Have fun being single, and get yourself out there doing things that YOU enjoy.  Now is the time that you don’t need to compromise or worry about what anyone else may think.  You can do everything that you want, how great is that?! An added bonus is that, by going to events that interest you or taking up a hobby that’s always tickled your fancy, you have a very good chance indeed of meeting somebody with common interests, so if romance does blossom, you’ll have loads to chat and giggle about!

When I was 19, I made the decision to go and study in Australia for a year.  I left my friends, family, and my long term boyfriend behind.  Our relationship ended because of the distance but, do you know what?! It was one of the best things that ever happened to me.  I went out most nights with my girl-friends, enjoyed living and studying in a new country and said ‘YES’ to every opportunity that was offered to me.  I didn’t even kiss a guy for the whole year, because I was only interested in having the best experience possible, and I didn’t want anyone to become the centre of that experience and distract me.  I can honestly say it was the best year of my life, but only because I used the fact I was single in a positive way; I could’ve easily been really miserable too!

So, my ultimate advice is to have as much fun as you can, and I guarantee that when they see you laughing and smiling, the boys will be chasing you! 😉

All the best,
Em x


Is sex really all guys in their 20’s are looking for?

By Lifestyle, Mik Scarlet, The Love Lounge No Comments


“Hi Mik, Just over 6 months ago, I came out of my first relationship. It was an amazing time in my life, ok maybe relationship is the wrong word, we were dating for two months. The breakup hurt, but it wasn’t disasterous. He’s not talking to me but that’s fine, he obviously isn’t ready to be friends.

However, since that time I’ve been on a few dates and had quite a few guys said they were interested in me. They’re sweet, and funny, and seem genuine; until they turn around and tell me they are only interested in sex. Now I guess I kind of feel flattered, I’m a 24 year old woman with mild cerebral palsy, but I haven’t crossed that hurdle and I want to mean something, and for me to mean something to the other person, when I do decide that’s what I want.

My question is, is sex really all guys in their 20’s are looking for?

I have a really close relationship with a guy I met when I was on holiday in Florida when I was 16, but he lives in Australia, so that’s not really possible. He’s the only guy, at 26, around my age who I have actually had interested in me who’s not just interested in sex. I’m just wondering if I’m giving the ‘come try me’ signal but avoiding it entirely. I don’t want to apologise for being me, but I feel like this seems to be such a big draw for men.

Any sage words of advice would be greatly appreciated!”


Arh Lizzy, the age old question. Are boys in their 20’s only interested in one thing, sex? The short answer is no, but that’s not to say that they will admit that they want more. I was an aberration as I have always sought out a relationship rather than sex, which really freaked out some of my partners when I was in my 20’s. It’s also not just men who are interested in sex. My wife freely admits she went out with me at first as she fancied me and wanted to have sex with me. The relationship came out of the sex… tee hee.

So, what would I advise you? Well firstly, is it so bad that these guys are being truthful? I know that many women end up with broken hearts when they discover that the guy they thought wanted a relationship only wanted sex, and with these guys telling you like it is, you at least know what you’re getting in to. I also wonder is it such a bad thing to start out just having sex? As I said, that is how my marriage started and it’s getting stronger every day 26 years later. As well as not knowing if it will grow into something more, if you really fancy a few of these guys I wonder if a few nights of sweaty fun might not a good idea. Make some nice memories at least. Sure there’s the reputation issue, which is so sad in the 21st Century, but I would hope they weren’t the kind of guys to kiss and tell. Always an important thing to gauge before you jump into the sack.

As for your worry about that signals you are giving, I know your pain. My wife might have only wanted sex but I fancied her to bits. Apparently I was such a flirt she was sure I’d love her and leave her, so that is how she went in to the relationship. Luckily I trapped her with my charm and wit (?), but she was still attracted to how I was and I couldn’t have changed if I wanted. Please don’t over think the way you act with these guys. Be yourself and they will love it, or leave it, either way you win.

Actually, don’t over think it all. Men might say they want sex, and of course we do because we are mostly horny little devils, but we aren’t really that different from you ladies. We also want to be loved and secure and happy, but we just aren’t brought up to be able to say it. In a way their honesty shows how much they like you. If they really wanted just to have sex with you they’d say whatever they thought would get you in bed. Men can be bastards! Go out on a date with them, maybe even tumble into bed and see what occurs. It might turn out they were trying to be cool and they want as much from you as you think you want from them. If not, make sure the night was something to remember when you are old and past it!

To be honest, it’s so great to get a question from someone who is not finding their impairment isn’t a bar to finding love, sex and flowers. Get out there and let the world take you where it will, and enjoy the ride.

My wife and I are very adventurous sexually and are keen to try attending swingers parties…

By Disability, Lifestyle, Mik Scarlet, My story, The Love Lounge One Comment

James, Milton-Keynes

“My wife and I are very adventurous sexually and are keen to try attending swingers parties. However, I have MS and am a wheelchair user. Can I expect the swinging scene to be equipped to deal with and accepting of my disability?”


While I haven’t ventured onto the swinging scene, I have many friends who have. I do know that from my contact with them that disability is not really an issue. To be honest I kept finding myself being told that I would “enjoy” myself on that scene as many of them have a tick list, or a list of things they want to try.

Sex with a disabled person is high on that list apparently, so if you don’t mind that idea then it might be fun. I would check out your local scene and see if you like the people, which I would imagine is pretty important if you intend to sleep with them! Of course some people might be arse holes, but that is life. I should say that please go it into with your eyes open. I know many relationships that have been torn apart by trying swinging.

It may sound fun, but will either of you be able to cope if one partner is more popular than another? Jealousy can kill a successful relationship, and while it is a not fashionable emotion I personally feel it is part of really being in love. Having said that, I also know couples who have a great time and swear it has brought them closer together. So if you really fancy it, go for it. Trust me, as far I as I understand having a disability is not bar to swinging your socks off!

My spina bifida means that my body looks different to everybody else’s…

By Lifestyle, Mik Scarlet, My story, The Love Lounge No Comments

Kelly, Bournemouth – “My spina bifida means that my body looks different to everybody elses. I’m almost too anxious about it now to go clothes shopping and try them on in the changing rooms. How can I get some confidence?”

Mik – To me this issue is one of the biggest that many disabled people have to contend with. However much we might outwardly appear confident, and claim to be proud of our impairments, we live in a society that is obsessed with perfection and let’s face it, we are only human. We cannot help but be influenced by this growing need to be beautiful and perfect, and measure ourselves against the images that fill our media. It is a remarklable person, disabled or not, who is not touched by the dream of being perfect. I know that when I was a teenager, back in the early 80’s, I found myself so sure of my unattractiveness due to my disability that I developed an eating disorder. Even today what I see in the mirror and what I understand everyone else sees is very different. However, I will give you the advice I try to give myself every time I find myself looking at the mirror and seeing a monster, fuck em! You are the most perfect you ever. OK, you may not fit the stereotype of what beauty or perfection is, but who say that is right? Mostly a bunch or fat man who work in the press, or aging women in the fashion industry whose obsession with youth is driven by their fears over the passing of time. Disabled people wear their strength and individuality on the design of their bodies, like an amazing work of art. We challenge society to see what biology can actually achieve, and how robust the human form can be. Don’t let the non-disabled world make you feel less because you do not look like they do. It’s them who should feel inferior. So from now on when you get up, look in that mirror and know you see beauty and perfection. Your own totally individual form that no other person can achieve. Be proud of that, and if anyone dares to challenge it then they can go f**k themselves. As for finding clothes, I always advise find a style that works for you. Fashion is our enemy, as trends change so quickly. Instead experiment with style until you find one that fits.. and stick to it. Sure you can follow fashion, but make sure you model it to suit the style you have created. I used to wear loads of leather, not only as it looked great but because it was hard wearing and made me look like an injured biker. The alternative scene has always been less judgemental that the mainstream crowd and so I found my outrageous clothes allowed me to become part of scene who didn’t seem to care if I was disabled, or sky-blue pink!. So best bet, scan the fashion mags plus books on the history of fashion. Find a look you like and that you think will work, and THEN go shopping. With a look in mind, you are already half way there. And if you find a shop without a changing room, remember the Equality Act demands that they have one. So get shouting…. “I know my rights!” If you need any styling tips, drop me a mail, maybe with a pic or two, and I’ll see if I can help. Believe it or not, I actually studied fashion as a overly trendy new romantic youth so I do know what I’m on about!

I haven’t been on a date in well over a year and am finding it increasingly hard to meet women…

By Lifestyle, Mik Scarlet, My story, The Love Lounge No Comments

Peter, Bath – “I haven’t been on a date in well over a year and am finding it increasingly hard to meet women and get out of the house because of the pain of my early onset osteoporosis. How can I get myself motivated and out the house?”

Mik – Dear Peter, I also know the joys of chronic pain and how debilitating it can be. I have tried everything to fight it, both conventional and alternative, and I might suggest trying Mindfullness. It’s a meditation technique thatmight sound a but hippy dippy, but I have found it really works. Not only as a method of counteracting the pain but also to give you back some feeling of control. That feeling of being the captain of you own ship is the thing that will help with motivation, so it really important to get the ball rolling. Ask your GP or at your pain clinic about Mindfullness and for advice on controlling your pain. If you aren’t being seen by a pain clinic, that must be top of your list. Even before you start out on the road of finding methods of fighting your pain I would suggest allowing yourself to feel down, ill and angry. We always get told to keep your chin up and other such arse, but until you have felt real chronic pain it is difficult to understand. While it can stop you from doing anything, and I know in my past I have spent years lying on my sofa unable to sleep for days wishing I would just pass out to have some release, I would advise you to start small. Little trips out, doing things you really enjoy. Imagine it is like a little baby, trying to learn to walk. You make short trips, not pushing yourself too hard, and then build up to longer and longer ventures into the outside world. It’s a balance between reclaiming your life from your pain and not making it worse. But you will win. If for no other reason that you eventually get used to it. However try to get your medical team to understand how bad the pain is and get them to do something for you, as it can be controlled. I have my daily pain medicine, and then something stronger for break through. With the Mindfullness to help me when it gets really bad or when I know I need to spend days at work, I have a full arsenal to fight and defeat pain. With the right help you can too, and then you control it and not it you. Once you reach this point you will look back to now and see how far you have come. Trust me, it is possible. Good luck, and if you need any more help please get in touch.

My longterm girlfriend and I are separating but she is the only person who knows how to deal with my disability

By Lifestyle, Mik Scarlet, The Love Lounge No Comments

Melissa, London – “My longterm girlfriend and I are separating but she is the only person who knows how to deal with my disability and I have become very reliant on her. I am paralysed from the waist down, a wheelchair user and am scared of facing life without the aid of my partner and the prospect of not meeting somebody so understanding. How can I cope?”

Mik – Hi Melissa, as someone who is also paralysed like you, and who had a very similar experience in my past, I can only say do not be scared. I know that I felt I may never find another love when the relationship in question ended, especially as they supported me so much. However in truth it gave me the push I needed to become truly independent, and so I was able to form better and more fulfilling relationships. I am now happily married to someone who has cared for me during some very dark times, and supports me in my daily life but as I had created an independent life for myself before we got together we both know she helps me through love and not sympathy or any other negative reason. I should also say it is vital you do develop independence as you may open yourself up to bad relationships based on your belief that no one else would assist you. I had one of those, and I was brainwashed to believe that so I ended up being bled dry financially. My advice would be contact social services and work with them to put a fullcare package in place for you. Also use what may seem as a negative time to discover exactly how much you are capable of on your own. I know as I discovered how independent I could be it changed my life. Trust me, it might seem scary right now, but it will get better and you will find that this might be the beginning of a fantastic new chapter in your life.

I live in a group home and I really want a double bed… Help!

By Lifestyle, The Love Lounge 2 Comments

Firstly, is there anyone else in your group home with a double bed?

YES – Go to that person and ask them how they got the double bed, particularly the exact person who approved it. Then go to the person who has the power to approve a double bed and make a note of the resident’s top tips about how they were successful.

But if NO and you are the first person to ask for a double bed, ask the staff who has the power to approve a double bed. Now it is time for some preparation before you meet them.

Next, imagine stepping into the shoes of the general manager of your home and picture that you have a resident asking for a double bed.

Since this is the first time this has happened, imagine the questions they will ask and especially  the things that might make them say yes or no. For example, some questions that spring to my mind: Are they scared a resident could be taken advantage of by a staff member? Is there not enough space in the home as you will need a private room?

Also, does the company that runs the home have any policies on the rights of residents?

Would it help to have someone in the meeting to support you like your best friend or the girlfriend/boyfriend who will be sleeping with you in the double bed? Perhaps they can help you prepare your arguments?

Finally, you should call Enhance the UK as they can give you supporting evidence of residents in care homes with double beds.

Good Luck! With good preparation you might be surprised at how quickly you have a double bed to  Enhance your sex life!

When I was in hospital in my own room and my wife and I asked for some “private time,” it was really easy. They just gave me a “do not disturb” sign and we used a single bed for sex.

I was impressed by how accommodating and not squeamish they were, but not all homes will have the same open attitude soEnhance the UK can advise you on your rights.

I love my partner but they treat me like I’m a patient, it’s driving me nuts!

By Lifestyle, The Love Lounge One Comment

Firstly, the people who love us are programmed to look after us if we get sick, but sometimes this can go too far. If this happens, it is up to you to step in and make some clear new rules.

Changing how your partner treats you starts with changing how you expect to be to be treated.

Let’s be honest, being in hospital and having nurses do everything for you at the touch of a button can actually be quite a nice experience. One that you can easily get used to, especially if you have trouble doing some things for yourself because of your illness. There is even a point where we completely forget how to do things for ourselves, this is called institutionalisation.

I know I secretly quite enjoyed having nurses wait on me hand and foot, and then when I went home I unconsciously treated my wife like a nurse asking her to do almost everything for me. This made us both uncomfortable.

If you act like a patient sometimes your partner will react by taking up the role as nurse and treating you as a helpless hospital patient. It is a situation where it takes two to tango which means you have the power to change things quickly.

Acting like a helpless patient is NOT sexy, but the situation can be fixed relatively quickly and easily. First, as with most problems looking for a solution, you need to talk about some new rules.

We talked and agreed the cast iron rule. That she should assume I can do X myself and I will only ever ask for help if I can’t do it.

This new rule turned out to be quite empowering as I didn’t realise how I was sometimes actually deliberately making myself helpless in order to get help!

I got lazy and institutionalised in hospital to the point where I expected help all the time with everything.

So, if your partner is treating you like a patient it might mean you have unconsciously taken the habit of being nursed like one at home. We are programmed by millions of years of evolution to take the most efficient day-to-day route to living and being waited on hand and foot is easier than doing everything ourselves.

But it has a severe side effect that our partner will end us treating us differently, yet this can be avoided simply by:

Having a conversation with your partner and make it clear you don’t like being treated like a patient in a hospital and that they should only help you if you ask for it.

Firstly, the people who love us are programmed to look after us if we get sick, but sometimes this can go too far. If this happens, it is up to you to step in and make some clear new rules.

Changing how your partner treats you starts with changing how you expect to be to be treated.

Let’s be honest, being in hospital and having nurses do everything for you at the touch of a button can actually be quite a nice experience. One that you can easily get used to, especially if you have trouble doing some things for yourself because of your illness. There is even a point where we completely forget how to do things for ourselves, this is called institutionalisation.

I know I secretly quite enjoyed having nurses wait on me hand and foot, and then when I went home I unconsciously treated my wife like a nurse asking her to do almost everything for me. This made us both uncomfortable.

If you act like a patient sometimes your partner will react by taking up the role as nurse and treating you as a helpless hospital patient. It is a situation where it takes two to tango which means you have the power to change things quickly.

Acting like a helpless patient is NOT sexy, but the situation can be fixed relatively quickly and easily. First, as with most problems looking for a solution, you need to talk about some new rules.

We talked and agreed the cast iron rule. That she should assume I can do X myself and I will only ever ask for help if I can’t do it.

This new rule turned out to be quite empowering as I didn’t realise how I was sometimes actually deliberately making myself helpless in order to get help!

I got lazy and institutionalised in hospital to the point where I expected help all the time with everything.

So, if your partner is treating you like a patient it might mean you have unconsciously taken the habit of being nursed like one at home. We are programmed by millions of years of evolution to take the most efficient day-to-day route to living and being waited on hand and foot is easier than doing everything ourselves.

But it has a severe side effect that our partner will end us treating us differently, yet this can be avoided simply by:

Step 1: Have a conversation with your partner and make it clear you don’t like being treated like a patient in a hospital and that they should only help you if you ask for it.

Step 2: Start to act like the independent survivor you are and try to do everything that you can, yourself.

Step 3: Strictly enforce these new rules and refuse help from your partner unless you asked.

Take these three steps and you will be surprised how quickly your partner will start testing you like a normal human being again!

Start to act like the independent survivor you are and try to do everything that you can, yourself.

Step Three: Strictly enforce these new rules and refuse help from your partner unless you asked.

Take these three steps and you will be surprised how quickly your partner will start testing you like a normal human being again!

I love my partner but I’m scared of hurting them now they’re sick…

By Lifestyle, The Love Lounge No Comments

If you love your partner, one of your first instincts is to keep them safe and to be afraid of hurting them is perfectly natural.

But a crucial part of helping your partner recover is learning to risk hurting them during sex. Remember, we are not talking skydiving! Sex usually takes place in a very safe pace like a bedroom in your home but done the right way you can take safe risks almost anywhere. We all take risks every day. Crossing the road is risking death and even more dangerous is driving in a car, which is statistically more likely to kill you than serving as a soldier in a war zone like Afghanistan!

But you still drive and you still cross the road. The point is, everyday we take calculated risks. We calculate risks vs returns so you now must learn to take the same sort of calculated risks during sex. Sometimes something might hurt a little, or even a lot, but you must learn from that and try again. If you let fear rule your sex life it will die.

Talk to your partner about this right away, I can guarantee most of the fear is in your head and you will probably find a little risk is well worth the return of sex and connection. So bite the bullet and get talking!

There is also a simple solution taken from the world of BDSM – bondage. Use special words for the traffic light or a safe word system:

Green= Yes (More)

Orange= This is getting close to my limits (Slow Down)

Red= Stop right now

You don’t literally need to use green, orange and red. Instead you can use whatever words you like, meaning that sex play can continue uninterrupted without jarring the mood with “stop that” or “don’t do that.” You can even say “no” and mean “yes,” safe knowing your partner will stop when you use the right safe word. With this system of communication you can risk hurting someone while being completely safe in the knowledge that they are in control.

You can take the risks that help make sex hot while keeping the safety that you naturally want for your partner.

I really want to date but I don’t know when to mention the ‘D’ word…

By Disability, Lifestyle, The Love Lounge One Comment

Actions speak louder than words. You don’t even need to mention the D word to actually go on a date!
Step One: Select something exciting that you’d like to do with your beau.

Why? Studies show that when we spend time with people in adrenaline heightened situations we find them more attractive, and they will find us more attractive too. This will give you the chance to go on an “invisible date.” You know it’s a date but they don’t! For them, you just had a fun time out together. For you, it is the first step in getting to know them better and deciding if you want to take this relationship further and into the bedroom.

From there you can just keep getting to know them with more “invisible dates.” When you are clear you want to take things further, go in for a snog. After the first kiss it is clearly time to start using the D word and not long after that you can graduate to calling them your boyfriend/girlfriend!
