UPDATE 09th March 2016
We’re delighted to announce that through our campaigning we have arranged a meeting with Justin Tomlinson MP (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Disabled People) and Norman Lamb MP (Shadow LD Spokesperson on Health) to meet with Jennie Williams (CEO, Enhance the UK) and Gary Mazin (Head of PR & Marketing, Enhance the UK) to discuss the EDM motion 1103 about giving disability awareness training for security staff. This meeting will be held on Thursday 24th March at 10:15am, Department for Work & Pensions, Caxton House.
We can also confirm a meeting has been arranged for Jennie and Gary to meet with Tony Holyland (Development and Technical Manager, SIA) and Karimah Pedro (Competency Officer, SIA) at 12pm on Thursday 10th March.
It feels like we have come a long way with our campaign which started back in January after I’d been refused entry into the Fire Station Bar by the doorman. At the time I had no idea that what was an extremely traumatic experience, could turn out to be a real positive for the disabled community.
It became clear that the Security Industry Authority (SIA) needs to improve its clarity and ensure disability awareness training is given to all people who receive the qualification as a door supervisor or security guard.
We then spent a lot of our time and energy lobbying MPs and trying to bring this important discussion as much publicity as possible.
After a lot of campaigning and discussions Norman Lamb MP agreed to table an early day motion to discuss this in the House of Commons. Over the course of 3 weeks, this motion has received 29 signatures (and counting!). We also managed to gain support from Lord Holmes and Baroness Campbell. As the MP for Lambeth where the original refusal took place Kate Hoey MP also helped by writing directly to the Home Secretary and Justin Tomlinson.
Full details of how this campaign came about can be read here:
The current EDM: