Hi Love Lounge,
It’s coming up to Christmas and, I’ll be honest, I’m feeling a bit lonely without anyone to share the festive season with. Have you got any advice for me?
Hi Nic,
Sorry to hear that you’re feeling a bit low. It’s not unusual in cold, darker weather, and it can be particularly difficult to stay upbeat when you see other happy couples and wish you had a bit of romance in your own life. But, you know what? This festive season shouldn’t just be about feeling loved up with a significant other; it’s all about family and friends too. You don’t need a partner to treat yourself to a spa day or go to the Christmas market in your area – see what your pals are doing and ask them to join you! Chances are, if they’re single, they’ll be feeling a bit under the weather too, and might be glad of some company. It’s sounds cliché, but it’s so true that love comes around when you least expect it (and often when you’re enjoying yourself without it!) so don’t be afraid to wrap up warm, get out there and have a good time, whether that with a lover, a best friend or some close family members!
Have a lovely festive season, enjoy, and try your best to be grateful for those around you (easier said than done when you’re not at your best, I know).
Em x