“I’m 15 and the only wheelchair user in a mainstream school. I have a lot of friends but really like one guy in our group as more than that. He’s nice to me but I don’t think he looks at me in that way. How can I get him to notice me and not the wheelchair?”
Rachel – Crawley
Hi Rachel, it’s a great question, and a situation that many of us have been through. I think the one and only answer I can really give is be yourself and let yourself shine. Most people are the best versions of themselves when they are relaxed and comfortable, so firstly work out what situations make you the most comfortable! It might be within a large group of friends, at a certain restaurant, or in the park opposite your house with a picnic and a book. Whichever situation it might be, pluck up the courage to invite him along to things outside of school, this way you’ll get to know each other on a more personal level. When you feel the time is right, arrange to do something with him that only involves you two: going for a coffee, to the cinema, taking him to one of your favourite places that is totally new to him etc. The more than you feel in control of the situation, the more confident you are likely to be. Hopefully you’ll have loads of fun, and if he’s still not making moves, maybe you could? At least you’ll probably feel like you know him well enough to have ‘the conversation’ without it being awkward. Good luck! 🙂
Emily x