Some of us will have most definitely been there: enjoying a perfectly nice shag on an evening, but thinking how much better it would be if our partner did this, said that, looked at us in a certain way, focused on a particular body part a bit more, dressed up in that outfit that makes us melt… We all have fetishes and fantasies that we’d love to have fulfilled, however simple or dark they may seem to us (and, of course, disabled people are no different!). But communicating our likes and dislikes and asking for them to be incorporated into our sex lives can be tricky for even the most confident lovers amongst us. If you’d like some hints and tips on how best to explain your fetishes and fantasies, read on!
Tip 1: The type of person often reflects the type of approach
I’m very fortunate to have a partner who loves to please me, but he can also get a little flustered and go into ‘thinking’ mode if I blurt out something he didn’t expect in the heat of the moment. What are you like, what’s your partner like, and how might they respond to your preferences and desires? It goes without saying that anyone that closes their mind off immediately and refuses any kind of involvement or interest may potentially not be the best sexual match for you, but it’s important to think about the type of person you’re with and bring up fetishes and fantasies in a way that you think they’ll best digest (cos, let’s face it, you’re looking for a positive response!) If you’re the kind of couple that debriefs after sex, maybe mention that, next time, it’d be amazing if they added a certain thing into their repertoire, if you’re both impulsive, shout what you want from the rooftops mid-session if you want! Whatever way ends up working for you, tailoring your approach for comfort, honesty and open mindedness from you both is a great step in the right direction.
Tip 2: Is it a ‘must have’, or an added bonus?
Is what you’re into an exciting addition to your sex life, or do you find it difficult to get turned on without it? Be honest with your partner about how important your fetishes, preferences and fantasies are to you, and how often you’d like them to feature in your sex life. And if you don’t know, that’s fine too, as long as you explain this. Being as transparent as possible with your partner will undoubtedly lead to better things for you both in the long run.
Tip 3: Patience and encouragement goes a long way
It can be tempting, when you’ve told a partner about what you like, to expect things to develop quickly, or to experience those fetishes or fantasies every time you get intimate. It’s important for us all to remember that it takes time for others to get comfortable with things that seem obvious to us, and patience and encouragement will be huge factors in your sexual journey together, whichever amazing direction that takes you both in.
Hopefully this article has given you a little more confidence in expressing your desires, whatever they may be. Here’s to great sex for us all, all of the time. We deserve it 😉
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