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New 10k Personal Best

By August 20, 2012July 24th, 2017Disability

Time to cut down?


I think they say you should start to cut down the happy juice in the build up to a marathon, but I’m not a believer of this. The way I look at it is at 20 miles in it’s going to hurt a lot and I’m not going to be thinking “I should have had 1 less pint”, I’m going to start thinking “Im just over 6 miles away from a pint”. I for one know that Mo Farah breaths by this ethos. I also know from a lovely lady and trusted source (Ellie Goulding) that Mo only has Sundays off to rest and just runs 11 miles…… I know!

Anyway the good news is I’ve taken inspiration from Mr Mo and tried to up my anti in the 10k. My previous PB was last week at 52mins 36secs, well I smashed that time today with a 48.50 and ran my last kilometer in 3 minutes. So my target is to be under 45minutes by the end of September.

Marathon training wise I will also start to run 15k’s in the beginning of September and then 20ks by November, which is just shy of the first land mark – A Half Marathon.

So far so good then, I just hope now the nights are recognizably longer, my motivation stays focussed on that pint when I’ve run just over 26 miles….

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