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International Day for People with Disabilities – 3rd December 2019

By November 21, 2019January 22nd, 2020Emily Yates, News, Workplace
3rd December 19' international day for people with disabilities - black text on purple background.

If we say December, which two colours come to mind?

There’s another colour that’s looking for a seat at the seasonal table, next to Red and Green. As some of you may know, Purple is associated with the financial power held by disabled people, in both their ability to contribute to society, and their desire to spend like anyone else. #PurpleLightUp is a global movement designed to draw attention to this, by encouraging businesses and organisations alike to light up their buildings in this powerful colour to show their allegiance to the economic autonomy of disabled people.

International Day for People with Disabilities

The 3rd of December is the International Day for People with Disabilities (IDPD), and the #PurpleLightUp movement now coincides with this day, boosting the visibility and importance of those with impairments that little bit more. Over the past several years, Purple has made its presence known the world over, with Government buildings, entertainment venues, transport hubs and corporate offices all lighting up.

So. What can you do?

Well, you could join in and ask your employer if they’d consider a change in their building’s appearance for a day,  or you could use the IDPD to think of ways that you and those around you could be more inclusive, both professionally and personally.

One thing that we’d ask you not to do is simply join the movement for one day every year.  It might look good to have your building shining with violet hues, but tokenism never served anyone well in the long run.  Equally, if a #PurpleLightUp isn’t possible for you and your organisation, then you can still take steps towards further inclusivity in your own way. 

Here are a few examples.

Digital Accessibility

  1. Revamp your website to ensure it’s accessible to all, or update the settings on your twitter account so those with a visual impairment can access the images you share. This 45 second video explains how.

Diversity & Inclusion

2. Swot up on how to make your job adverts as inclusive as possible; after all, this is the stuff that really leaves a legacy disabled people are proud to be a part of.

Invest in Training

3. Or ask us about our fun and interactive disability awareness training, a British Sign Language workshop, or even a team to conduct an accessibility audit? You’ve come to the right place for that!

Let’s work together to make sure red and green are no longer the only colours associated with December.

Thanks for reading. If you found this article useful please share it with your network, and join our online community on twitter @EnhanceTheUK.
